
ready to spin 100 miles

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Our friend the Aubergine (AKA Eggplant)

If you are lucky enough to get some eggplant, as I did this week with our farmthisway CSA distribution, you may wonder "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?!"  There is always the stand by Eggplant Parmesan, and you can use your favorite recipe for that or search one out on the internet, where everyone seems to have a must try recipe. OR you can think outside the box, and use it a little differently.  Here are a few ideas.  Some I have tried, some I have on my To Do List.

This one, by Rachel Ray, I have tried and I really enjoy it.  It also comes in handy if you are having vegetarian friends over for dinner.  Linguine with Eggplant Ragout .  It is simple, light and tasty. 

This recipe for an Eggplant Parmesan PIZZA really looks great to me.  I think I might try this out for a potluck that I am hosting on Sunday.  I like to use the Tuscan Six Grain crusts from Rustic.  Plus, they hold up well on the grill, and I love grilling pizza. 

Here is another fun way to serve up eggplant.   Eggplant Fries make great side dish and for those who think they don't like eggplant, this is a different way to try them.  They take on a different texture than eggplant normally does and that is the biggest complaint I have heard from people who don't like it, is that the texture throws them off. 

This recipe for Ratatouille my kids enjoyed.  I am not sure if it is because of the Disney movie of the same name, or because it was tasty.  Either way, it works for me.  It also includes zucchini, which many people are also looking for some new recipes for. 

Another recipe I look forward to trying is this one from Bobby Flay Grilled Eggplant Salad.  Simple and easy and mostly done on the grill, this sounds like a GREAT side dish. 

So, don't be afraid of eggplant, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new with it.  I look forward to trying out some new ways to cook our eggplant this summer. 


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